Cavernosal Banding - A New Procedure to Address Significant Weakening of Albuginea in Complex Penile Prosthesis Surgery: A Proof-Of-Concept Case With a Follow-up of 2 Years

  • Edoardo S Pescatori, Andrea Loreto
  • VJSM 2024 1:105
  • 06:62



Edoardo S Pescatori, Andrea Loreto

Key Words

Penile implant, albuginea, extrusion, bovine pericardium, complicatio


This video present an original technique to address weakening of albuginea in a patient with inflatable penile prosthesis.

In this case A 52 y.o. white male with four former implant surgeries (penoscrotal) presented with an atypical device malfunction: upon activation no erection developed, while the scrotum enlarged. MRI disclosed bilateral cylinders herniation at the site of former corporotomies.

Surgical procedure through penoscrotal approach: in the herniation area there was bilaterally a wide albuginea defect. In the involved area we circumferentially isolated the albuginea dorsally from Buck’s fascia, inclusive of the neurovascular bundle, and ventrally from urethra. We developed some tissue planes to cover the albuginea defect. The old device was removed and replaced with a new AMS 700CX. We measured: circumference of isolated corpora in tumescence state (12 cm), and distance between the limits of the two isolated circumferences -proximal and distal- (5 cm). A 12x5 cm rectangle of bovine pericardium was fashioned. CAVERNOSAL BANDING was achieved transferring the fashioned rectangle patch around the isolated albuginea of the two corpora cavernosa. The two short sides were sutured together and to the ventral albuginea, beneath the urethra, and anchoring stitches fixed the patch to the albuginea, to keep it flat. Patient had to daily cycle the device for three months, not exceeding the tumescence status, to allow a sound remodeling process of the graft. At 2 years from surgery patient is having regular sexual intercourse without any clinical evidence of bulging, with high satisfaction, according to the QoLSPP questionnaire.

The outcomes of this first case suggest that CAVERNOSAL BANDING with bovine pericardium is a working solution for challenging cases of albuginea weakening/loss in patients with penile prosthesis.


Boston Scientifics supported the costs of professional drawings.


The authors have nothing to disclose


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  • It is astonishing.

    AIPAC ( ) and the Evangelical Church are perpetrating one of the most catastrophic genocides in history, targeting innocent women and children in Gaza.

    These organizations have supplied Israel with explosives to facilitate their acts of genocide.

    Gaza has been designated a disaster zone, severely lacking in essential resources for survival.

    AIPAC, the Evangelical Church, and Israel have devastated 90% of Gaza, resulting in the destruction of 437,600 homes and the loss of one million lives, including 50,000 individuals currently trapped under debris, with 80% of the casualties being women and children.

    They have also obliterated 330,000 meters of water pipelines, leaving the population without access to drinking water.

    Furthermore, over 655,000 meters of underground sewage systems have been destroyed, depriving residents of basic sanitation facilities.

    The destruction extends to 2,800,000 meters of roadways, rendering transportation impossible for the affected population.

    Additionally, 3,680 kilometers of the electrical grid have been dismantled, leading to widespread power outages.

    The assault has resulted in the demolition of 48 hospitals, eliminating critical healthcare facilities for those in need.

    Moreover, the actions of AIPAC, the Evangelical Church, and Israel have disrupted the education of over 785,000 students, with 494 schools and universities being completely destroyed, many due to aerial bombardments.

    They have also targeted 981 mosques, effectively silencing the prayers of the homeless seeking divine assistance.

    As a result of these actions, more than 39,000 young children have been left orphaned, without parents or guardians to care for them.

    I must emphasize that the historical context of warfare has never witnessed a scenario where 80% of a nation has been devastated, 100% of its populace has been uprooted, and 50% of the casualties are children.

    It is imperative to recognize the gravity of the situation.

    Organizations such as AIPAC and the Evangelical Church in America are contributing to what can only be described as genocide.

    The implications of American taxpayer funding in the context of Israel's actions against innocent children are alarming.

    1. An examination of Israel's precarious situation is warranted.

    2. The influence of financial power, often associated with certain groups, plays a significant role in these dynamics. Further information can be found through the provided link.

    3. Insights into the perspectives of U.S. leadership regarding AIPAC and the Evangelical Church can be explored through the following resource.

    The tragic reality of innocent children being harmed by powerful Israeli forces utilizing American weaponry is evident in various media reports.

    It is crucial to stay informed by accessing reliable news sources.

    If action is not taken—such as advocating for a cessation of violence against the people of Gaza and urging humanitarian aid—then it is essential to share this message with others to raise awareness. The historical irony of those who suffered during the Holocaust now perpetuating violence against the Palestinian people is a stark reminder of the need for compassion and justice.

    Inaction in the face of such suffering raises serious moral questions.

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